I had the pleasure of proofreading a wildly popular “chick-pea curry lit” debut novel, Marriage Unarranged, by Ritu Bhathal. She graciously had this to say about my work:
These days editors and writers gather in online communities to network and improve productivity. Within those communities, partnering opportunities can be plentiful. I found one such opportunity with a fellow new writer as a critique partner. Here are some of Tim’s words about my involvement with his first publishing journey:
Currently, I am working as an editor for the site www.crateandbasket.com, a site devoted to raised bed gardening, homesteading, and other domestic life tips and tricks.
I enjoy keeping my proofreading skills sharp by working on a variety of subject matter as a Distributed Proofreader at Project Gutenberg. I have examined texts in subjects from native American wildflowers to medieval architecture to nineteenth-century fiction.